Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Liz's blog! Coffee Cake and Frank Sinatra!

Okay so, the coffee cake took a little longer than expected and I ran out of eggs (apparantly early in the evening someone got a craving for boiled eggs..weird..Dave!!) so when the house finally quieted down and I was ready to get baking I only had enough eggs to do the coffee cakes so the Amish bread will have to wait!  Anyway, the coffee cakes turned out fabulous using the Sweet Bread recipe which I will post on this page shortly.
          Now, it's been one of those weeks okay?  One major stress after another, on the verge of tears or smothering someone with a pillow for about 6 days or so.  Can't blame this one on pms either, sometimes life just puts a boot up your ass and there is little that you can do about it so I turn to the one thing that makes me feel better...heading to the kitchen.  I was getting my dough ready and once I was ready to turn out the sweet bread and start kneeding it, I realized my heart was pounding, it was about one am and I felt like my chest was going to explode, it was about then that I realized every time I pressed down on the dough I was thinking of someone who had pissed me off or hurt my feelings or screwed me over in the last week and I was miserable. I had to go sit down. I turned on Frank, he asked me to Come fly with him and I started to let the stress go...I fantasized that I was Sarah Michelle Geller in Simply Irrisistable, and that all my emotion was actually going into the dough...and anyone who ate it would feel my same emotion.....I visualized the kids getting up for school, spotting the freshly baked coffee cakes waiting for them on the table with the "eat me" sign on them, taking a big bite and then they would start pummelling each other at 7 am and be late for school.....Yikes!!!  Back to Frank, then Frank wasn't doing it for me anymore, switch to Dean...better...dough was risen...chest felt better....my baking/music therapy was starting to work...went back to the kitchen for the fun part, the assembley....parting the dough, rolling it out, spreading the yummy filling rolling it up and braiding, and letting them rise again and I knew at this point they would turn out great, I couldnt keep the dough from rising, they were beautiful!  My next post will be about the yeast by the way, what I have done in the past, why is it so damn hard to get it right, bad suggestions and what really works!
After I popped them in the oven at three am I hit the dvr for some Real Housewives of New Jersey...somehow these chicks make me feel better about my own life. But..it was boring, no fights this week and by the time the cakes came out and I iced them around four am, I felt great, not exhausted, exhillerated but sleepy. My stress was gone like magic, I had the quiet time to really think about things...how important is it? this too shall pass! whats done is done, get on with your life and dont waste another bit of energy worrying about this stuff, I put myself to bed after putting a "eat me" sign on the coffee cakes for the kids that had to be up in a couple hours, and slept like a baby. Today was a much better day. I have a new commitment to chill out and not let myself get that stressed over things I cannot do anything about, but...if that doesn't work...I can always bake something:)                    http://lburgett.blogspot.com/

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